The work this week was so so. We lost a baptizme date. Se llama Brayan. He is so awesome and loves to talk with us and he owns a restaurant and also hooks us up with free food all the time, but this last week he told us some stuff and yeah he needs a few more weeks to prepare! But he is so awesome and he also just got a puppy and it is so cute! Also we have a great new investigador! Se llama Juan! Yeah, we talked with him yesterday and his wife is a member and now he wants to learn and join the church in order to be married in the temple with his wife and he is a pretty cool dude, but we think maybe he's just getting baptized to make his wife happy. But that's ok because a happy wife is a happy life right? haha!
Well, also this week the APs called us and they told us who has transfers and what not, and they made me District Leader and also I will be training! I am so excited and so scared haha but it should be awesome! I leave in the morning to Guayaquil to pick up my son (new trainee) and have training and then travel right back here to Cuenca for probably the next 4 months! I am so excited for all of this, and also because we got a new Zone Leader! Elder Roberts from Alta High! He is so dope! We all live together and it is going to be awesome! All in all I am really doing well!
P.S. Just a week is my birthday haha
Con Amor +
Elder Hoole
Everyone! Also Read Moroni 7 in the Book of Mormon! I love it!
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