Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Cuenca - Birthday and Photos!


Well, this week has been awesome, crazy, very fast, and funny!  So first, as you know I am training and my son's name is Elder Quintana and he's from Lima Peru.  He is so cute and little and has so many questions!  I make sure to help him in anyway that I can!  He is a sweet and nice kid!  So training so far has been dope! 

Also this week we had Stake Conference here and it was great!  The Guayaquil Temple President came up and spoke to the stake of Cuenca and so did our Mission President!  Great talks for sure.  So when I went to church on Sunday, all of the HEFY (Humanitarian Especially For Youth program) kids were there and that was super weird to talk to people from Utah here!  hahah  But it was awesome! 

Well today is my birthday so big shout out to everyone that wished me a happy birthday!  Yes, it made my day! Yesterday at the church here the sister missionaries and the ward threw me a birthday party and it was so fun!  The ward here is great and really hard working!  My new companion and I are really working hard and training to find those people who are ready to hear the gospel!

Today we went to centro de Cuenca to shop and walk around and we found these hats (see photo) hahah!  I ate the best crepes today and we had pizza too.  Oh also, with the Spanish accent my last name sounds like HULK so everyone here calls me Elder Hulk hahah, so the sister missionaries bought me an Incredible Hulk action figure for my birthday!!! haha 

Not much else has happened here.  It is getting a lot colder and yesterday I ate cow stomach hahah! 

Welp hope all is well!

Con Amor
Elder Hoole

Fur hats!

 Cuenca monument

 Birthday cake and soda

 Birthday poster from companion and sister missionaries

 Chips, guacamole, cake and treats!

 Elder HULK 

 The best crepes ever!


Ecuador style hoodie

Good Bye Dinner with last companion

Dinner with companion and member

Missionary selfies!


View of the city of Cuenca

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