Monday, June 5, 2017

8 Months Down in Ecuador!

Well, today I hit my 8th month mark!  Crazy how fast time is going!  Later this month I will turn 20 years old!  HOLY COW!  I have learned so much these last 8 months and can't wait to learn some more! 

Well, this past week was pretty hard.  We almost had a baptism!  Unfortunately, she talked to some people who were full of untruths about the church and now she has lost her testimony and doesn't care to listen to us anymore.  So that was really hard this week, but we are going to have the sister missionaries return and teach her this week and see if that helps at all!  I really hope so!  Her name is Kerly and she's so awesome!  I really hope it all works out!  We also have another great investigador named Kevin and he is just a bro!  He is so awesome!  He is 31 years old and is so funny and he owns a restaurant and hooks us up with food. This last Sunday he came to church and he was so mad that the bread with the Sacrament didn't come with ham and cheese haha it was so funny!  The whole ward welcomed him in to the church and it was awesome! 

Other than that not much has happened. The other Elders and I have had a couple of sleepovers the past week, just talking about the mission and life. Every Elder in the house goes home either next week or next month so yeah the house is a little trunky and it has been hard for me haha but all is well!  This week should hopefully be better! We really need to find some more people to teach!  Pray for us!

Hope all is well!  I am SO happy to hear about Bob Paulson and the Paulson Familia! 

Con Amor
Elder Hoole

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