Well, this week was for sure a very interesting week here for me in the mission! I'm here in my new sector with my new companion and it has for sure been mixed emotions. This sector is actually super super small! I have 1 week here and almost have walked down every street. It's a ward that I'm in, but it isn't very strong. I'm right next to a river and it smells, haha, but it does bring a nice cool breeze during the day! So that's nice!
We have some really great humble members here who are just super awesome and love giving us food! We have some really great investigators here too! We have an investigator who has a son out in the mission in Bolivia. She has been listening to the missionaries for 5 years and has not wanted to get baptized. Last Tuesday my companion and I went over and invited her and her husband to get baptized this Mother's Day to surprise their son in the mission and they accepted! It was awesome! I actually even cried during their lesson. All we did was share Alma 29 but it was so awesome and the Spirit was there!
We also have a great family who got baptized like 2 months ago but the dad wasn't ready yet, but last night we invited him and he also accepted! Some great milagros here!
My companion is from Inquitos, Peru. He is actually a really cool guy. We like the same stuff so it's nice. Just trying to put into practice the counsel from our prophet, President Nelson, to love everyone and show others how we care.
Love you all! Hope all is well back home!
Elder Hoole
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