Monday, April 16, 2018

A Really Awesome Week!

This was a really awesome week!  Well, we have a family here that just got baptized about a month ago and now the dad is getting ready to get baptized!  So this past week, Presidente Moreno and Hermana Moreno are awesome and came down to our sector here in the sketchy part of Ecuador and taught a leason with us to help this great family progress even more!  It was awesome to have lunch and teach with the Big Guy, Presidente Moreno, and Hermana Moreno. They are really some great, great people! 

This week too was filled with a lot of milagros (miracles)!  We had a member in the ward next to ours call us last week and said that her two kids and mom wanted to get baptized!  It was awesome because the ward that she is in doesn't have missionaries and we had no idea that they were even interested, so we were so excited! This is a great family that has been going to church for 20 years but just have not had the faith to get baptized until now.  It was awesome!  Next Saturday will be their big day! 

We also have another baptizm this week!  Ella se llama Rocio!  She's super awesome and so nice.  She was super sick a while back so my companion gave her a Priesthood Blessing and now it's like she was never sick! There really have been some great milagros here.  We had 12 investigators go to church yesterday and that's always awesome! The work here is really great!  In fact, Presidente Moreno is with a family we are teaching right now at the temple showing them around!  So awesome! 

Well, all is well with me!  If you have time read the last talk that President Nelson gave Sunday morning during General Conference!  It's a game changer!  Also if you know Spanish, watch this funny missionary video! haha

Also I can't believe my family is going to the Roes' without me!  NOOOO!  haha it's ok. I will have to go see them when I get home!

Con Amor,
Elder Hoole

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