Monday, April 9, 2018

April 2, 2018


Well this week was a week of surprises! That is for sure!  Well first off we got to go to the temple last week and it was just awesome! It was such a great time to feel closer to the Lord in his house. All the zones in Guayaquil got to go, so there were about 60 elders that went and it was awesome to see everyone! Then on Saturday we had interviews with President and that was great too. We talked a lot about the things that I have learned so far in the mission and the things that I really need to improve. Some of the things that I have learned so far are how to have more confidence in myself and really speak my mind without having really any fears, and also I have learned that just doing the little things makes the biggest differences! Telling people what they are good at and making them feel wanted in the world is very important.  All in all it was a great interview.  We also talked about my goals. I believe that I will be coming home around August 9th just in time for school. President Moreno said it was a great goal and that he will talk with the office this week and that I should know for sure within 10 or so days. 

Also Conference was great!  One of the best I have seen!  Every session was a treat and to hear the words from our Prophet and our leaders was great! I loved Elder Bednar's talk and President Nelson's talk! Super awesome and I'm excited to see these changes happen here in Ecuador! It should really help the people here to be more united as 1! 

Also Sunday afternoon I found out that I had transfers again! I only had 3 weeks in my last sector and it was a great 3 weeks!  I really learned a lot!  Now I'm still in Guayaquil and my new companion is from Peru again and has 9 months in the mission.  It should be a good time and I think I'll learn a lot from my new companion ;) hahah!  Say some good prayers for me!

I hit the big 18 months this week! 18 months and still going strong!

Sé que tenemos un Profeta de Dios. Sé que esta Iglesia es verdadera! Sé que Dios nos ama!

Elder Hoole

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