Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Great and Hard Week!

So, yesterday I gave my last talk in church as a missionary.

Well, this week was actually pretty hard.  After a couple of years in the mission you'd think with time it would get easier. This week, we just couldn't find anybody to teach and that's always tough. We ended up really focusing this week on the less-active members and that was really cool. It's always so great when we help people get back on the iron rod and help them to feel the spirit in their lives. I think everyday this past week we found a family that hadn't been going to church for a long time and I think in every lesson we had, the family was crying at the end and feeling the spirit.  It was so awesome.  I learned that with almost every family the reason why they didn't want to come back to church is because they didn't want to feel embarrassed for not coming.  We taught them that that was Satan working with you guys and we shared Alma 7 with them and how we can repent and feel the love of Christ again in our life.  On Sunday, we had like 3 families that hadn't come in a long time come to church and it was awesome!  I also gave my last talk as a missionary!  That was low key sad.  I shared 1 Nephi 8 and how we need to grasp ourselves to the iron rod and keep going strong and it was awesome!  So all in all this week was mas o menos.

I'm doing well. Trying to stay focused!  3 weeks left! :)

Elder Hoole

Big bird I found (yes, it's real!)


Another pic of party!

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