Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Santa Rosa


So this week was super fast!  Well, I just wrote like 5 days ago because of the holiday here! 

This past week was awesome!  Well, first off we had some great BAUTISMOS!  It was so awesome!  Fabian that we legit just met who has been going to church for over a month without telling us got baptized! haha  We taught him everything during our lessons and then his best friend that is a member got to baptize him and confirme him a member!  It was so awesome! 

Also Cindy got baptized!  She's the sister-in-law to the Branch President!  Her husband got to baptize her!  That was also super special and awesome.  We also had Andrey get baptized!  He's the guy from Italy!  He is so awesome!  He also got baptized by his friend who is a member!  

The MEMBERS here are awesome!  So this was a great weekend full of great feelings and emotions! The branch here does something super awesome!  Every Sunday, all of the young men go out on bikes and preach and visit their less active member friends, and also yesterday we had all of the ward missionaries come out and preach with us!  We had 13 ward missionaries with us!!  It was so awesome!  Some great things are happening here in Santa Rosa!

A missionary that served here is also back visiting from the US this week.  I lived with him like a year ago when I started the mission - Elder Burton (Chris). He's back and he got permission from President to come chill with us the whole night one night and tell us stories!  It was so awesome and definitely well-needed!  Love that guy!  We also had our Zone Conference this past week and President talked a lot about life and our missions.  Great meeting!

Also, yesterday I found out that my companion was leaving!  So my companion Elder Barnett left and now Elder Boyack is with me again here.  We were legit just with each other 6 weeks ago.  Should be another fun time! 

Well all is well with me!

Les Quiero!

Elder Hoole

Where's my ring?  haha  YSA (Young Single Adult Activity)

YSA Activity

at the YSA Activity

Andrey's baptism!

There was a LOT of rain last week.

So excited for EASY MAC!!!

3 Generations!  Me, a missionary I trained, and a missionary he trained!

Goats on a walk

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