Monday, February 5, 2018


PIÑAS!!! (Pineapple)

Well, this past week we spent 2 days working with the Elders in an area called Piñas! Man, that place is low key HARD!  It's a city just placed on the side of a mountain and you're walking straight up a mountain the whole time you're there and it is a SUPER Catholic area. On the mountains up above, there was a huge cross and a huge statue of Mary looking down!  And it was so crazy!  The people were super nice but not down to hear from us. I was down to leave after the first hour there, haha, but man it was so cold!  So yes,it was probably the best sleep I have had in the mission! Felt just like home!! :)

This past week was also super dope!  We have a new investigator that is from Italy!  He is awesome!  Se llama Andreas! He's been here for like 3 months and knows better Spanish than me haha!  Yes that was super sad to me, but he has a date to get baptized on the 17th!  Also, today we had another wedding! (I think God is low key preparing me for marriage with all the weddings I've had here) haha!  Ella se llama Cindy!  Her Brother-in-Law is the Branch President and she will be getting baptized the 17th as well! 

The work here is going awesome and time is really flying!  It feels like we never have enough time to teach!  We are working a ton with the members and we have some really cool investigators that are really progressing!  Last night we had to cross some tube over a river(see pictures) and usually I can do it just fine, but man the water was so high and the tube was wet so my companion crossed it first and then I tried and I couldn't even make it 3 feet before I had to sit down on the tube and scoot my way across, and the best part was that we were with a member and we were all dying haha!  But yes, it was scary and they just laughed at me hahaha! 

All is well! :)  This week is 'Party Week' in Ecuador so we are probably going to be stuck in our house for a while.  I might not even be emailing until the middle of next week. 

Elder Hoole

***read Alma 29 this week!  I finished the Book of Mormon again and I am now reading in the Doctrine and Covenants.  

Peruvian food


Banana tree

Haircut time

Pic of the pipe!

Slippery too!!!  The pipe!!!

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