Monday, November 27, 2017



Well, this week was pretty dang slow with teaching haha!  Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite holiday and man, was it tough not to be home!  But our Stake President is awesome and invited us to have a little Thanksgiving feast with his family on Thursday so that was really fun (the Chargers looked great! hahaha)!

Like I said, this week was really slow.  I started off the week by doing an intercambio (I don't know the word in English) with Elder Stoker.  We worked in his sector all of the day on Tuesday and it was my old sector, so yeah I went by and saw all of my converts and investigadores.  IT WAS AWESOME!!! I loved it!  Well, I got back to my sector later on Wednesday and man, every lesson we had fell through so we went over to a member's house and we told them how sucky today was and that we were going to buy crab to eat for dinner and then they told us to just go buy some crab off the street and that they would make it for us!  So my companion and I dipped out and down the street super fast and found some guy selling crabs on the street!  We bought like 20 crabs from him and it was so yummy!!!  Great end to the day! 

Then Thursday came around and man, we wanted some turkey and gravy!  Well turkey here is very hard to get, but our Stake President called us and told us to come over to his home at 6:00pm, so we went and ate chicken and gravy, which was pretty close to turkey, and had the best banana splits!  It was awesome!!!  Then after that we had our investagador get interviewed for his bautismo!  HE PASSED!  So that meant that on Saturday we had another great bautismo!  PILAS!!  

But yeah, this week still felt super slow and long and hot, but we did get a lot of people to attend church on Sunday and we are going to have another bautismo this week!  Junior Chuquimarca was baptized last week and Tahis Cabrera is getting baptized this week! 

All is well here!  ya mismo navidad!  yay!!!  Hope you all do the 25 days of Christmas "Light the World" from the Church!  It's on!  We are getting ready for that down here!  I really have been so busy lately.  We are trying to do 2 big activities and it is stressful.  I'm on my own here to make sure it all goes as planned haha!  They're in 2 weeks so we have a little bit more time to plan.  Hope all is well back home! Have a great week!

Hope all is well with everyone!

Love, Elder Hoole

This is a monkey that we went to see at a member's home.

The monkey climbing.

Taking a taxi to a different area.

This is how they drive around.

Our crabs we bought off the street!

One of the member kids here who loves soccer!  I gave him a REAL Salt Lake sticker and he loved it!

Crab dinner!  It was so yummy!!!!

Our Stake President wanted to watch football on Thanksgiving. 
We didn't want to tell him No.  haha

Thanksgiving Dinner!  It was awesome!

Wearing our new Santa hats and hanging out with the kids!

Great baptism on Saturday!

I gave a nativity set and a Temple Recommend holder to our new convert!

Reindeer ears!

I did some shopping for the family!!! Can't wait!!!

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