Monday, November 13, 2017


Well another week down south or up north? I don't know... Stuck in the middle of the world right now haha!

Well, last Monday my companion and I left after writing to our families to go and teach a lesson with our ward mission leader.  So we were just walking (kinda in a sketchy part of town) and BAM!  Like legit 20 cop cars just pulled up on us along with a bunch of the News Cars and I kid you not, there were like 100 cops just all around us searching for drugs in the trees along the road that we were walking on.  Well, we didn't try to walk around it and they didn't tell us to stop where we were going, so yeah we walked right through a 3rd world Drug Bust and I am like 100% sure that if you were watching tv in Ecuador that day, you saw the Mormon missionaries on the Ecuador news haha!  Afterward, it was super funny but also by far the scariest thing that has happened to me in my little adult life! 

Well, we had another great bautismo!  It was awesome!  Ella se llama Baneza!  Her kids are members and she never really wanted to get baptized.  We had been teaching her but she just was not progressing.  We went over about 3 weeks ago to visit with her and felt inspired to throw out an invitation to get baptized in a few weeks and she said no.  But she told us she wanted to get baptized sooner, so last week was her bautismo and it was awesome!  She has a great testimony!  This week we are going to have another bautismo.  El se llama Junior and he's such a cool kid!  He's 10 years old and a really great kid.
We have been planning a lot with our zona and in 5 weeks we are going to have an activity like Alma!  We are having a White Night or a Noche Blanca.  We are inviting all of our investigators in the Zone to be part of a special baptism night and baptize them all on the same evening at the stake center!!!  Our goal is to have 40 bautismos that night or more! 

All is well right now for me!  Almost Christmas!  I gave a talk yesterday in church.  I read Mosiah 5:8 and talked about the covenants with God that members of the Church have entered into and that there is great responsibility with that.  It was a call to the members to start to perform their church callings and help out more!

Things are good!

Con amor
Elder Hoole

 Our zone tie!  The lighthouse of Guayaquil.

The Zone!

 The baptism last week

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