Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Well, another week up here in Cuenca and man, this place is like a completely different world!  It is super Catholic, very rich, cold, very safe and really pretty.  It feels like I'm legit serving a mission in the US.  However, the work here is a lot harder and sometimes very depressing.  Nobody cares to listen to us, and we get yelled at sometimes, but my companion and I have fun with it!  We do have some great investigators here though and the members here are great!  They help us so much and are just awesome!  The second counselor in the mission presidency is in our ward and his family is awesome!  We went to their house yesterday and had hot chocolate and cake and it was so delicious!  

I have yet to see some Cuye (Guinea Pig), yes the people here in Cuenca eat Guinea Pig haha!  So that is a little weird, but I do have our Papito making it for us this week!  Haha should be yummy!  We have a Papito here (a dad who cooks us lunch everyday) and he lived in the United States for 8 years and makes us killer American food!  So that is awesome!  Our sector here is huge!  It is legit a 4th of the city, I swear, and we don't have a car or bike so that really blows!  We live with the Zone leaders and both of them go home in July and my companion goes home in three weeks, so our house is trunky at times, but we have had some fun! 

Here the cows just walk around and it's so cool!  I fed a baby cow this week!  And today for Pday we went and saw some llamas! 

Well, hope all is well back home!

Con Amor,
Elder Hoole

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