Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Baptisms and Blessings

Man, last week was so awesome!  Well, first we got to go back to the temple this past week!  Man, I love the temple!  If you have the time to go in the coming weeks GO!  It is so awesome!  :)  Anyways, also this past week we had some great, great lessons!  We have a new investagador who is legit so ready for the gospel in her life!  We knocked on her door two weeks ago and she told us that when we were talking to her she felt like this was the church for her in her heart!  She always has Catholica and other religions knocking on her door but she has never gone to church!  She has now been twice to our church and is planning to get baptized next week!  It is so fast!  She is like 4 feet tall and 75 years old and just so cute and nice!  

Also we had a great baptism last night!  THE FAMILIA GARCIA WAS BAPTIZED!   Yes it was so awesome!  The whole ward came to it and it was so touching! The mom and her two kids were baptized!  Their husband/dad will be hopefully in the coming months!  It was honestly so awesome!  This past week here in Ecuador the teenagers started up school again and we were at the Familia Garcia's house this last Thursday just talking, and getting ready for there baptism and the thought popped into my head to ask them (the kids) (Alejando and Mia) if they would like a Priesthood Blessing. (I remembered that my dad would always give me and my brothers a back to school blessing) so I asked them if they would like one and they said yes!  So my companion and I gave the whole family back to school blessings and work blessings!  It was so awesome and such a great experience!  S/O to my dad for the great example!

We have had so many blessings here in the area of Ecuador!  Not much really else has happened.  We did have another activity last night too with the ZONE.  So our zone this last week had a ton of success so the APs are buying us pizza this week!  So awesome!  In case you're wondering, It is hot here!  But yeah all is well!

Con Amor
Elder Hoole

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