Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Que Pasa

Hello people in North America! 

This past week was fast!  (which is dope!)  So last Monday night we went to Family Home Evening at a member's house.  It was kind of a party for some elders going home!  (Elder Paulsen from Holladay UT) and they made me explain what faith was and man I was scared. I said a quick prayer right before I spoke and my Spanish was not good at all, but that is not what matters.  I really think everybody felt the Spirit. The Spirit really lead me and helped me to know what to say. 

That leads me to Spanish. is hard...I try my best to really understand what is going on, but it is tough.  I have set goals this past week and that really helped me!  I want to finish the Spanish Book of Mormon by April 1st! Right around General Conference!  I might not understand anything I am reading but it's a good goal. I also want to finish the English one around the same time!

We have been teaching this family named the Vivas Familia and they are great!  They are about in their 40s I think haha, and they have finally committed to baptism!  I had them read Ether 12 in the Book of Mormon about faith cause Hermano Viva was struggling with faith in the Lord and I read him verse 27 and gave a little testimony and I think it went great.

Ecuador is hot and super confusing, but it is pretty fun here!  I have been struggling with Spanish and other things so The Zone Leader let me Read THE RICCIARDI LETTER!  Missionary or not everybody should read this!  It is awesome!  It really helped me!  I won't say much about it because I want you to read it but it is a great read.  I'm sure you can find it online!

I hope everything is going swell back home!  Church is true!

Elder Hoole

Elder Hoole at Guayaquil Temple 

Guayaquil Temple

Quick photo while riding through Guayaquil neighborhoods to his first area

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