Tuesday, November 22, 2016

1st Week in Ecuador


This past week has been CRAZY!  First, last Monday all of my luggage broke on the way to the airport from the MTC.  I have never been so scared in my life, but luckily my lovely parents came to the rescue and saved me with two new pieces of luggage from our house!  haha  It was great to see them!  So then when I got to Ecuador late on Monday night and I picked up my luggage the TSA had put a lock on one of my suitcases!  What THE!  I don't think anything was taken out of it but it was just frustrating to deal with my luggage problems again!  haha 

On Tuesday we went to the Guayaquil LDS temple and it was an awesome experience!  It is really so beautiful!  I also got my companion.  His name is Elder Alvarado and he is from Peru. 

So being here for the last week has made me think, "Did the MTC even happen?"  haha  My Spanish is so bad, but I know it will come with hard work and practice!  I am serving just right outside the city of Guayaquil in a neighborhood called the Amazonas.  It is really hot here and I miss blue skies but it is dope!  So everything is going great here! 

Here's a weird thing about Ecuador - your money (bills) can't have a single little rip or tear in it or they won't accept it.  It's really weird.  Luckily a member of our ward traded me for my $20 bill that had a tear on the corner!  Also, don't expect any photos for a while.  We can't take cameras outside in my area here.  

Hope to hear from all of you soon!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Elder Hoole

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