Monday, May 21, 2018

A Week of Milagros!!!

This week was a week filled with MILAGROS!!!

Well, 2 weeks ago we had an investigator who never showed up to her bautismo!  Ella se llama Lissette.  She had her interview but then never showed up to the bautismo and we were super confused and she never answered our calls so we have been super stressed out wondering about what had happened to her.  But this last Friday we finally got a hold of her at her house and it turned out that her brother has been super sick in the hospital and that she's been looking after him there. While she was telling us this, we talked with her and ended up inviting her again to get baptized the next day Saturday in the morning and she accepted!  Also, while we were there we ended up talking to her mom and we got the information of her brother in the hospital and sent it over there to those elders in that sector and Saturday afternoon they went over and gave him a priesthood blessing!  Super awesome!  So then yes, our investigator finally got baptized Saturday morning!  And another miracle...about an hour ago the APs (Assistants to the President) in the mission called us and told us that her brother who's in the hospital wants to listen to our gospel message now!  Super awesome again!  So now tomorrow at 1:00 we have our first lesson with her brother while he is recovering in the hospital!  So awesome! 

Another great story from this week is that we have another investigator who lives with her grandma who got baptized back in Deciembe.  Well, we have been teaching her for a couple of weeks but her Dad, who lives in a different part in the city and is super Anti-Mormon, wants nothing to do with us or the Church.  Well, we invited this girl, ella se llama Alinna, to get baptized this last week and encouraged her to put some faith in Christ and she accepted!  Well on Friday afternoon, we found out that she didn't have permission from her dad to get baptized and we were so sad.  So on Saturday morning we were walking to the baptism of Lissette and we decided to pass by her house and she came out and told us that she had gotten permission!  IT WAS AWESOME!  MILAGROS!!!!  So we ended up have 2 bautismos this last week and it was so awesome!  But right before the baptism started my companion had forgotten his white pants to baptize in so we had to run all the way home and yes I was low key a little bit bugged with him, haha, but it all turned out well!  This week with our faith we should be baptizing a great investigator who also happens to be a member of Jehovah's Witness.  Also, we found an awesome family of 15 people to teach and some of them came to church yesterday!  Great week!

Elder Hoole

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