Well, this past week we had another baptism! It was so awesome! Ella se llama Maria! She has been going to the Jehovah's Witness church for the last 3 years but never felt ready in that church to get baptized. About a month ago, her sister was baptized here in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and that's when she started to show interest in learning more about the gospel! She went to church every week, prayed everyday about the Book of Mormon as she read it, and then BAM last week she was baptized! It was so awesome! It could have been a disaster, because we showed up to the church on Saturday night at like 5:30 and there was no water in the church! So, we just started filling up buckets of water to fill up the baptismal font but nothing was really working and it was making a huge mess! But then we remembered that the other missionaries in our zone were having a baptism as well so we called them up and when Maria showed up to the church building we said, "Sorry, but we have to go to another building!" We all got in a taxi and dipped to the other church building! It turned out super well! So happy! She's awesome!
Also, this last week Presidente Moreno made a surprise visit to our house and that was awesome! One of the things he did was he taught us some great scriptures to use while teaching to help the people understand the blessings of the gospel. You can find these in the Book of Mormon - Mosiah 2:41 and Ether 12:4.
But yeah, all is well with me! This week as a mission we will finish reading the Book of Mormon again and then on Friday we will start back up! The Book of Mormon is a great book! Read it if you haven't! Keep reading it if you're already reading it! If you need one, you can get a FREE one from mormon.org!!!
Also, we have another big family who we are teaching the gospel to, and they are a family of 15! We aren't teaching all of them right now though, but today we took them an extra bed that we had in our apartment and they were so happy! And that made me happy!
Elder Hoole