We started the week off really well with finding some really cool people! We found a girl who just turned 18 and her sister got baptized just about a year ago! Her name is Rina and she doesn't really believe in God. All we taught her was how to pray and feel the love of God in her life and showed her a super awesome Mormon Message called "The Hope of God's Light!" It is really a super powerful video...but I don't think she was really into watching it right then! We are going back this week and the goal is to get her to attend General Conference this week to hear the Prophet's voice! That's really the goal with all of our investigators this week! GET THEM TO COME TO GENERAL CONFERENCE!
This week also was a little hard! I don't know why, but here in this area of Guayaquil nobody wants to go to church! They say it's too early!!! It starts at 10:30! Perfect time to go to church! I think it's my fault because we haven't really taught about the Sabbath Day in a minute. We are really going to focus on this this week!
Other than that, all is well! Our investigator is going to Peru this week to get officially divorced and then he will come back here and get officially remarried to his girlfriend here in Ecuador. I hope it works out!
Well, I really hope you all watch General Conference this week! It should be a good one!!
Well, I really hope you all watch General Conference this week! It should be a good one!!
I found this great scripture this week during my study time! It really helped me feel the love of God and to keep working hard!
You can find it in Doctrine and Covenants 103:36 -
"All victory and glory is brought to pass unto you through your diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith."
Hope all is well! Also, if you get the chance to read the new Liahona for the month of April do it! It's a great one!
Elder Hoole
Elder Hoole