Monday, September 4, 2017

Big Changes!

Big Changes!

This last week was crazy!  First off, I got to spend 3 days with my boy Elder Layton and preach this good word and it was so awesome, all because my companion had to go to Guayaquil to get his visa!  It was so awesome to chill with an American! 

Also, this past week we had interviews with the Pres. and they went awesome. He asked me how I do my personal studies and I told him that every week my parents send me a good conference talk to read and study for that week and he thought it was such an  awesome idea!  So that was cool. 

Well, last week was the last week also in the transfer and I was really kind of hoping to go to a new area and Saturday night President Moreno called me and said that I have changes to Guayaquil, but as a Zone Leader! I'm super excited and pumped!  I'm back in Puerto Nuevo!   And yes, it's still SUPER HOT!  SUPER POOR!  AND SUPER DOPE!!!!  It should be a good time! 

My companion is Elder Oy from Mexico! He has like 4 months here so he'll have changes in October!  Also I have 11 months in the mission!!!  Super crazy!!! 

Well I'm doing well!  Hope all is well back home.  I love you all and my family so much!  Tell Moose thanks for the great email and to keep killing it on the field!  It's killing me that I can't watch my team this year!  Say some good prayers for me while I'm working down here in Guayaquil!!!

Happy Birthday To Moose, Christian, and Dad!!!!!

Love y'all!
Con Amor
Elder Hoole

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