Monday, April 17, 2017

Update - April 16, 2017

Well, my week was pretty dope here in Ecuador!

Well, first off I had splits or intercambios with Elder McKieghan!  We have the same time in the mission and he's from St. George, Utah.  We met in the MTC the very first day and have always been in the same zone.  It was so awesome to spend the day with him and preach the gospel!    Speaking about the gospel...all is going well here!  This past week was Semana Santa, or in English it is known as *Easter*.  It wasn't anything too exciting here, but on Friday there were like somewhere around 500 people, I kid you not, following a guy coming down my street dressed up as Jesus and walking with a huge Cross.  All of the people were throwing blood and other stuff at him and dressed up as Romans... it was really different, but it was kind of uncomfortable to watch!  But yeah, nothing else really happened on Sunday.  But on other news, we had an activity with another zone here on Thursday and it was a huge HIT!  We had so many investigators come and watch the church videos about The Prince Of Peace and learn more about our Savior and His church!  

Also, this last week all of the missions here in Guayaquil got to hear from Elder Christofferson and his wife!  We had about 700 misioneros all in one room.  It was so awesome and then the next day he came to my stake and spoke to the members there.  It was so awesome to hear from him two days in a row!  And yes, his Spanish is SO good!

So yeah this week was pretty swell!  A lot of our investigators didn't really progress this week.  I think mainly because we taught about tithing and the law of chastity haha.  We are praying that hopefully this week will be better with our investigators and lessons!

Love you all! 

Would love to hear from more of you guys!  Pdays are hot and lonely!  There is not much for us to do in our area here in Guayaquil, so we are pretty stuck here in our same neighborhood.  Also, you all need to Google how to make polaca!  It is a drink here that is from Colombia but everyone drinks it and it is SOOOO good!  And I love the Inca Kolas!  I think we can get them at Macey's back home!  Go try it!

Here's a pic of dinner one night here!  This is what I eat!

Con Amor,
Elder Hoole

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