Monday, March 27, 2017


Hola mis amigos en E.E. U.U.. Hope all is going well for you all back home!  I hear it is raining a lot back home.  I can relate to the rain.  It rains a lot here lately, and I mean A LOT!  haha  My new companion's name is Elder Reinel and he is from Lima, Peru.  He's been out a few months less than I have.

Well, this last week was very interesting!  First, the ward put on an activity on Friday night - a showing of the movie MEET THE MORMONS and we had 5 investigators show up to it!  I was hoping for 1 or 2!  It was awesome! The members here help us out so much!  The members here are full chevere (super awesome)!  Without them we would not have any success!  So yeah the movie was a BIG hit!  And then on Saturday night, the mom and daughter from the Familia Garcia went to the General Women's Conference!  They are really starting to progress more and more everyday!  

Speaking about General Conference...this week we get to hear from our Prophet and other leaders from the church!  I, myself before the mission, did not so much enjoy watching all of the General Conference sessions but here in the mission I am so PUMPED!  However, I also probably won't understand anything, for it will be in Spanish and yeah, mi español es mas o menos ahora jaja.  But really my Spanish has really improved a lot!

Also, for this week we are hoping and praying that one of our investigators gets married!  That would be so dope to have another marriage here! 

All is well! 
Miss ya´ll so much!
And would love to hear from you!

Con Amor,
Elder Hoole

p.s. Shout Out to all my bros out in the mission!  The Church is true!

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