Monday, January 9, 2017

Feliz Anos! ~ January 2, 2017

Happy New Year amigos! 

Well, this week went by fast!  It was hard, but we worked hard and are doing our best!  Somedays I still feel like Helen Keller would make a better missionary than me.  We both wouldn't understand the people but she could at least play the piano during Sacrament Meeting!  haha  No, but all is well with me. The language is coming along and I have improved sooo much. It is very hard to see the improvement but it is there! 

This week we taught a girl who is 13 years old and we invited her to get baptized on the 14th!  I really hope she follows through! We are really working with her!

Our investigator who just got baptized shared his testimony yesterday during church and it was awesome!  He is such a great guy and has such a strong testimony!  What a great example for me!

Well, for the New Year we had to be inside our house at 7 pm on Saturday and Sunday nights so we just chilled and watched 17 Miracles!  We also got a new Zone Leader!  He lives with us and he is from Tennessee and is so dope! His name's Elder Burton.  He is like 6'6 and just towers over everyone here!  It is pretty funny!  He is great.

And...we also got a late Christmas present today!  The missionaries can email for 1 hour now each week!!!! So dope!

Well, I hope all is well back home!  It is hot here lol

If you are thinking of a new goal to set for this year, you could write to Elder Hoole once a month!  So that is just 12 times total hahah! 

Love y'all! Church is true!

con amor 
Elder Hoole

p.s. Yesterday was my 4th Fast Sunday in the mission. THAT WAS FAST!

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