Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week 4 in the MTC

Hi everyone!

Well, only a couple of more weeks here!  This week was pretty dope!  It's crazy how fast time flies here (kind of a good thing).  I feel like I just emailed.  So Spanish is hard, but it gets better everyday!  I memorized the 1st vision this week!  It was so hard, but it's kinda cool to have it memorized in Spanish, because I have no idea how to say it in English!  So Spanish is coming along.  There are a lot of rules with the language, but it'll just take practice.
With my little Guam friend: Every night he comes into my room and just talks with me!  He's so dope!  He saw a tie that I had (legit my favorite tie) and he asked if he could have ask and ye shall receive right? yeah he looks dope with it on!  hahah  He said he wants to see me post mission so guess I gotta save up for a Guam trip now!  But he's a cool kid.  He always calls me his big brother and it's so cute hahaha. 

The MTC yesterday put up Christmas lights for the season so we all took pics last night. They look pretty awesome!

Also the district that left last week gave me their fridge!!!!  I'm excited!  It's pretty cool I guess!

S/O to Gee family for the package and letter! 
S/O to Grandma and Grandpa B for the letters as well! 

Thank you all!  I love your letters and packages!

That's all for this week!

Elder Max Hoole

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