Monday, June 25, 2018

Feliz Cumpleanos


Well, this past week started off on Monday night having a huge birthday party with all of the members and hitting the big 21 here in Ecuador!  So crazy!  It was so fun and we had so many converts and investigators there, so it was awesome!  Unfortunately, I don't have the video but I even sang to everyone the great old song, "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen and that was so funny and a really fun night!  The members are great!!!

Later in the week, we had interviews with Presidente Moreno and that was awesome!  He shared some great stories with me and told me to always grasp onto the iron rod and always do the Lord's will.  It was awesome!  In the end of our interview, he asked me if he could do anything for me and so I asked him if I could end my mission training and he just smiled and said, "We will see."  After that, he went out and bought me a birthday cake and as a zone we ate cake together.  On Friday morning at 5am, we all went to the Guayaquil temple and that was a great treat.  I sure love going there!  On Saturday, our bautismos fell through because the whole family suddenly became super anti-Mormon and wanted really nothing to do with us, so that was tough.  But it's just the mission life and things like that help to strengthen my own testimony of the gospel!  On Sunday President called us and we had transfer calls!  My companion left and now I'm going to end my last 6 weeks training a new missionary and I'm super excited!  It should be a fun one!  He comes on Wednesday, so right now I'm just chilling with the Zone leaders! 

I love the Book of Mormon and 2nd Nephi chapter 4!  It talks all about the love of God.  It's a great read!

All is well!

Elder Hoole

The birthday cake!  For me and and also Elder Alvarado

So much food!  

The pinata!

Me and Elder Alvarado


Birthday banners

Barcelona Stadium

Went to the temple!

Birthday party with my zone and Presidente Moreno!
He is on the left!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Fast Week!

Well this was a super fast week!

We ended up ending it with a super awesome BAUTISMO! The son of one of our converts finally got baptized and it was so awesome because at the baptism we got a great turnout with the members!  Also we had a great mission activity Friday night for Father's Day and during the day we were contacting people in the street and inviting them to the party.  Well, one of the families we invited ended up coming and it was like a huge miracle and all the members welcomed them right in and that was also super cool! This upcoming week we should hopefully have another bautismo with our investigator!  Also this week we are going to the TEMPLE!!! I'm super pumped! 

Also, I hit the big 21 tomorrow!  So this should be a good fun week! 

That's about it!

Les quiero!

Elder Hoole

1 Nephi 10:19

Brother Fransisco

Chicken foot for lunch!!!


Invitation to my birthday party at the ward tonight!

Angel at his bautismo!

A dope towel

Sunday dinner!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Read the Book of Mormon

Well, this week we had another great Zone Conference with Presidente Moreno and it was awesome!  We had to teach leason 1 in 5 minutes or less and we really had to focus on teaching with the Spirit with little time and it worked out great! 

Right now as a mission we are rereading the Book of Mormon in our daily studies and for 30 minutes each day we have to focus in on just 1 chapter and so far it has been awesome!  Really in just 4 days of rereading the Book of Mormon I have learned so much!  I really like 1st Nefi 2:9-10.

Also, this past week we found a really cool family.  My companion was having another tough day and since we had nothing else to do, we went out tracting.  He wasn't too happy about that and was just walking so fast because he didn't want to be there.  So I made him pray with me in the middle of the street haha (because you can't teach if you can't feel the Spirit)!  So we prayed and then BAM we found a super cool family from contacting like 2 minutes after praying!  And they even came to church this past Sunday!  Super awesome! 

Well, all is well with me!  This week with the faith we should have 2 bautismos!!! 


Elder Hoole