Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sharing Talents in the Ward

This week was a lot of fun!!!

This was probably one of the funnest weeks I have had in the mission.  First off, we got a call this past Tuesday from the APs that we had to run over to their house and get all the luggage for the missionaries that were leaving because they had forgotten it. So at around 2pm, we had to run over to the AP's house and get Elder Roberts' luggage and another missionary's luggage and take it to the temple, all before 4pm.  It was awesome because we not only got to go to the temple and take some pictures, but we also got to take like a 3 hour break from working!  Pilas haha!  We also were lucky enough to see some of the new gringos who just got here and it was so funny to see their eyes!  Yeah, I guess I have forgotten that Ecuador is a 3rd world country. 

During this past week, the ward put on a talent show with members performing talents, so of course my companion and I were like, "Yo, we gotta do something good for this!"  So we had a member in the ward stick some music on a pen drive and then got to work and we made up a dance in like 1 hour!  Here in Guayaquil, there are 2 huge soccer teams, Bacalona and Emelic.  For costumes, we both put on the team jerseys and then yes, we danced to a song in front of the Stake President, the Bishop and like 50 ward members and it was awesome!!!  So we took 5th place but it was so fun!  And yes I have the video!

Later after that, our investigator called us and told us to come over to her home for dinner.  So as we walked into her house, BAM her whole family was there and they were all eating crab!  I have never eaten so much crab in my life!  It was delicious and so awesome!

So yeah, this week was just a lot of fun down here in Ecuador!  I'm really excited because also this Wednesday we have a member of the 70 coming down to talk to us!  I can't wait for that too!

All is well with me down here! 9 more weeks til Christmas!

Elder Hoole

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Well, this week seemed super slow!

This week had its ups and its downs!  First, it was my first week in the mission with a gringo companion and it has been awesome!  (But we talk too much in English together haha) (it's so hard not to).  We have been killing it and have been talking to everybody and just inviting everybody to get baptized on the first approach!  So it has been super fun and tiring!  But we did end this week with another great baptism.  Se llama Juriel!  He has been an investagatore for 8 months and is 14 years old!  He finally got baptized and it was awesome!  All of the young men in the ward came and supported him, so that was pretty cool!  Also, we had to help all of the church leaders during the baptizme and I had to lead and conduct it and I was a little nervous haha but it turned out good! Super awesome! 

This next week, the ward has a talent show and yes we will be involved in it!  I will send a video of our great talent for you all to see.  Also, this week was the last week with Elder Roberts here in the mission!  Super bummed and sad!  Gonna miss this kid!  A member in my ward invited him to come and eat with us on Sunday so I got to have the last supper with him what before he left to return home to Utah!  Super dope! 

Also, we just found the best news!  We found out that Hma Narzisa who has been an investagatore for 25 years and whose daughter is serving on the mission is going to get married 30 de Octobre and then get baptised the 4th of Noviembre!  We are so happy about this!

That's about all that has happened this week!  We have a member of the Seventy coming to our mission this Wednesday and also a whole bunch of new missionaries!  We will have 4 people training in our zone!!!  There will be so much to do for me!  

Hope all is well! 

Con Amor
Elder Hoole

Monday, October 9, 2017

Preaching the Good Palabra

Well, this week has been super crazy!  Well first off, on Thursday I hit my 1 year mark in the mission! That was awesome! (Mom I did it, haha).  Got me thinking a lot though again on the things that I have learned this last year in my life... and I've learned a lot. 

Exciting news!  A member here bought me Dunkin Donuts!!!!  YES DUNKIN DONUTS IS HERE IN ECUADOR!!!! I think there's like only 1 in Utah haha!  And it was awesome because y'all know that America Runs On Dunkin!

Also this past week we bought matching ties for the whole zone!  They're awesome!  And also...we had a Bautismo!  Finally!  We have been out one for awhile!  She's 9 years old so the Primary in her ward is very happy haha! 

So right during the bautismo the APs called us and told us that we all had transfers!!!!  WHAT???!!!  The transfer was supposed to be the next week but it came a week early!  My companion left me!!!  And now I'm with Elder Boyack from Spanish Fork, Utah!  We have the same time in the mission and he's dope!  So finally I get to be blessed with a gringo companion! 

On Saturday morning, President Moreno gave my companion and me permission to go to the hospital to give a blessing to a member but the rules here are that only one of us was allowed to enter the hospital.  President told us it was okay and so my companion dipped into the hospital with the member's son who lives in Las Vegas and yes, I was left alone for 30 minutes or so in the crazy Guazmo Sur de Guayaquil!  I was only a little scared but all is well! haha!  

Things are good here and not much else has been going on!  I hope all is well back home!!!

Read the Book of Mormon this week!  Read Alma chapter 56 and Moroni chapter 9!

Gracias por todo!

Elder Hoole

Monday, October 2, 2017

1 Year Down!

Well, this week hits my 1 year mark in the mission!

If I wrote down everything that I have learned in this past year, I would never finish this email.  But I thought I would share a few things that I have learned so far in the mission field:
1) God knows me personally.
2) Love everyone you meet. 
3) God gives us trials so that we can find strength.
4) Faith is super powerful!
I could keep on going with this list, but this past week a lot happened!
1) We had a zone conferencia with 3 other zones here in Guayaquil with Presidente. As a mission, we are going to read the Book of Mormon together! We started Sunday morning and we will finish on May 31st next year!  It's super cool!  We always hear about the importancia of reading the Book of Mormon so it will be cool to do it as a mission!
2) Wednesday all the Zone Leaders had another meeting to figure out why we have been lacking in baptisms as a mission! We have had a difficult time lately, and need to figure out what is wrong. We need to do a better job with teaching the doctrine to the people we are teaching and also working more with the members.
3) In our zone last week, we got some super sad news. An elder's dad passed away. It has been super sad and hard for all of us. This particular missionary is a stud and from Peru.  He has 8 months in the mission and is going to stay here and finish serving.  Super sad for him but it is such a great act and example of faith to all of us.
4) I loved watch general conferencia this past weekend! Got me super trunky with seeing home.  It looked like it was raining a bit in SLC! 

This has been an awesome time out here in the mission!  I have truly learned so much! Thanks for all the help with first year!  This is the Church of Jesus Christ!  If it wasn't, I would've dipped back home in week 4 of this thing haha!  I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that we have the fulness of the gospel here on the earth!

Thanks for everything.

Elder Hoole

If you want to read the Book of Mormon along with us, 
here is the schedule our mission will be following. 

 Our zone!

 Encebollado with the APs and my companion today
It is a fish soup made here.  Yum!!!

 I love granadillas!  They are so delicious!!!

 This is so yummy!!!  Very sweet and delicious!!!!

 One year down in the mission!  

 The traditional one year shirt burning.  

 There it goes...
And it's done!