Friday, February 24, 2017

2 Baptisms


Well, I forgot to mention in my email last week that we were going to have 2 baptisms this week!  So this past week we had 2 baptisms!  They were awesome!  Such a great experience!  Jean Peir y Yaneth are just great, great people who really have faith and know this church is true!  

Now I ask you all to please pray for the familia garcia!  They are a great new family we are teaching and this past week we went over to teach them and there were 2 Catholic sister missionaries in their house teaching!  NOT GOOD  haha. No, the Catholic religion is great and they really are great nice people who love the Lord too, but man it was so scary and they had them confused on some stuff...but now all is well!  The work here is going well!  

We are hoping for another baptism this week!  A lady here who has been an investigator for like 7 years is finally getting married.  We are hoping that after her wedding she will choose to be baptized now! 

All is well down here in Ecuador!  It is super hot and it rains a lot!  They had the presidential elections here and if they don't vote they get fined like $40.  We couldn't leave our apartment after 6:00.  Next week, we have to stay inside on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday because of some holiday they have here.  So my PDay will be on Wednesday.  We can only leave for church on Sunday and to eat at a members' home for lunch.  I only eat rice and chicken and soup hahah!  People here are so great.  I still have culture shock here sometimes, and then I worry that I will come home and Utah will be for me what Ecuador is like for me right now!  In church yesterday, I gave a talk and my Spanish was soooooo bad!!!!!!  haha  They called me right up during the meeting and I was so scared!  But all is well!

Everyone: READ tonight as a family or by yourself in the Book of Mormon 1 Nephi chapter 8

CTR, my friends (Choose The Right)

Elder Hoole!
P.S.  Don't forget about me!

Monday, February 13, 2017

New Mission Photos

Weekly Update

Hola! area, new me!  haha.  My new area is pretty awesome!  It is a lot different. It is poorer in some areas than my last area but also richer in some parts.  You can probably google it haha!  The ward is great and so is my companion!  The members of the ward here are great!  There are a lot of returned missionaries!  

My new companion is a really hard worker and I love it!  We talk to everyone in the streets!  Great story for you all -this past week we were contacting and we knocked on this house and a lady about 35 years old came to the door. We told her we had a really important message for her about families and Jesus Christ.  Yes, it's our opening line however, she let us right in!  Her name is Cynthia and she has 3 kids and is married!  We taught her a great lesson! You could really feel that the Spirit was there!  Her daughter even started to cry!  

After we taught them, we invited her to be baptized on March 11th with her kids and they all accepted! They didn't show up to church on Sunday so we went back over to their home on Sunday night to teach her some more and see what was up.  She felt so bad!  Her husband was there this time and we taught him also!  We invited them to pray and her husband prayed.  So this is a big strong man and he started to tear up during the lesson and during his prayer when he asked if this was the true church.  This family is awesome!  They have all accepted to be baptized on March 18th!  I really hope it will all work out for them.  Before we knocked on their door, the first time that Cynthia saw a message about Mormons was on Facebook but she didn't really care too much about it.  So then when we knocked on her door she was in shock that there were actually Mormons right in her neighborhood!

I love y'all so much!  I hope all is going well!  Still have a few health probs but they are slowly getting better. We went to the mall here today and I am so excited because I bought a dope Ecuador futbol shirt!

Everyone...this Church is True!

Doing well!

Look these up in the Book of Mormon - Alma 32:21 Alma 11:21-46

Elder Hoole

Monday, February 6, 2017

New Photos!

Changes! Cambios!


Well, this past week was pretty great!  We got transferes!  My new area is just south of my last area!  It seems like a really great place!  It is called Esteros. It's in the Puerto Nuevo Stake!  It is only about 20-30 minutes from my last area.  I took a taxi today to get here.  But man, I will tell you it was so hard to say goodbye to the members and so many others last night in my last area.  My Spanish is bad so it was hard to connect with them, but man they were all so great!  I can't even imagine what it is going to be like in a year or let alone 20 months when I finish the mission. It was so hard to say goodbye! 

My new companion is from Lima Peru!  His name is Elder Tagle!  He is said to be a really hard worker and he seems like a really good guy!  Pray for pacience con el!  I am really excited!  I'm a little nervous too, but it will all be great!  Another reason I am so sad to be leaving my last area is because the Lord blessed my companion and me with such a great girl to teach and her baptism is next week.  It was a great experience to share the gospel with her.  So I am a little sad that I will miss it but I know it will be awesome!  I'm so happy for her!

Also the rain this last week was crazy!  It's a short email today because of transfers but I need to go and get my haircut!  Love you all so much!!!!

The Church is true!
Please read Joshua 1.9 this week.

Elder Hoole